Regina Schroeder, Queen and Papermaker
Regina studied papermaking at The University of Alabama while in the Book Arts program. She will always be glad she went there, even if she didn’t get an MFA, because papermaking is amazing. So is printing. She prints poetry chapbooks as Timberline Press, bizarre posters and cards as forgetgutenberg, and is a freelance book designer. She also plays hockey because hockey is glorious.
Jenna, Renaissance Woman
Jenna is (the best and most wonderful) bad influence, as it is her fault that Regina fell in with the hockey crowd. She has several graduate degrees and is a professor of English. We feel that it is important to have someone on hand to answer questions about early modern drama and other literary concerns.
Julia, Painter of Tiny Brightly Colored Things
Julia doesn’t know I am writing this bio of her. She paints tiny, fiddly watercolors, which then get strange narrative titles. Lately, she’s been making slightly less fiddly ceramics, which take up more space but are also occasionally practical. She is a much better papermaker than she thinks she is. She has a remarkable ability to interact with very tiny children and also adults. She will eat (almost) anything I tell her to.